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| Vintage Computing
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Other Vintage Computing
AST Rampage 286 Expanded Memory Board 41256 for IBM PC AT PC XT Model 286
$69.00 (17 bids)
(22 hours 35 minutes)
SuperMac Thunder/24 NuBus video card, tested working
$54.00 (12 bids)
(2 hours 51 minutes)
Apple IIe Enhancement Kit sealed in box
$62.00 (9 bids)
(2 hours 46 minutes)
4 rolls Vintage Nassau Western Electric solder - 375 rosin core 60/40 45/55 .040
$82.00 (7 bids)
(21 hours 57 minutes)
Vintage Commodore C386SX-LT Notebook PC Laptop Bundle
$131.00 (7 bids)
(23 hours 9 minutes)
Vintage Trident TVGA8900C ISA VGA Video Card
$26.00 (6 bids)
(1 hours 10 minutes)
Vintage Apple Macintosh PowerBook 1400c / 166 Laptop PARTS ONLY NO CHARGER
$32.00 (5 bids)
(20 hours 23 minutes)
Vintage Macintosh M0001W 512K Bundle with Carrying Case - Powers On - SOLD AS IS
$152.50 (5 bids)
(16 hours 30 minutes)
Apple II Extended 80-Column Text Card sealed in box
$15.50 (3 bids)
(2 hours 26 minutes)
Vintage IBM PC/HOST software, sealed in box
$5.50 (3 bids)
(2 hours 41 minutes)
Vintage NS INS4004D 4004 Microprocessor CPU IC, White Ceramic Body Gold Pins&Lid
$485.00 (3 bids)
(17 hours 52 minutes)
Vintage IBM Plotting System software, sealed in box
$1.25 (2 bids)
(2 hours 36 minutes)
Precision Software Homebase 2 & Superbase For Commodore 64 (1984)
$5.00 (2 bids)
(1 hours 56 minutes)
Vintage Oak Technology Otivga Rev C ISA VGA Video Card
$18.50 (2 bids)
(1 hours 17 minutes)
Vintage IBM XM Color Graphics Card 8BIT ISA - JS3
$11.87 (2 bids)
(18 hours 20 minutes)
Vintage MacDraw II by Claris, sealed in box
$1.00 (1 bids)
(2 hours 31 minutes)
Rana Systems 1000 for Atari 400 / 800 / XL / XE - In box!
$75.00 (1 bids)
(19 hours 55 minutes)
Vintage Rare HP 9885S Flexible Disc Drive External 8" Floppy w/Ears
$74.99 (1 bids)
(18 hours 20 minutes)
4pcs - Apple II A+ magazine 1984 1985 & Apple II computing 1986
$9.99 (1 bids)
(22 hours 51 minutes)
6 Vintage Tucker Electronics test equipment catalogs and brochures 1986-1991
$9.99 (1 bids)
(22 hours 54 minutes)
Chicken Cartridge for the Atari 400 & 800 Computer System
$14.99 (1 bids)
(17 hours 24 minutes)
Vintage Intel R80186-10 CPU Ceramic LCC68 10MHz 186 16Bit x86 Processor
$6.00 (1 bids)
(4 hours 34 minutes)
Vintage IBM 5842 2400 bps Modem - Made in USA - DY38
$12.95 (1 bids)
(18 hours 20 minutes)
Vintage Apple Macintosh IIsi Computer M0360 Nubus Adapter, 40SC HD & RAM - boots
$37.49 (1 bids)
(18 hours 20 minutes)
Vintage Original Apple Macintosh M0001 Computer - powers on, very nice condition
$199.99 (1 bids)
(20 hours 13 minutes)