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About Find Cheap Auctions


My name is Tuan Le and I am a website developer in California.

FindCheapAuctions.com was created and is maintained by myself, as a result of the endless hours of fun I have had shopping on eBay. Like other shoppers, I have found and won many good deals through eBay auctions, but just like any hobby, I wanted a better way to do what I was doing.

As an eBay member I thought, "What are some of the frustrations I've run into through my eBay shopping experiences?" Here's what concerned me most:

To address these two issues, I created FindCheapAuctions.com which allow for a simple and automated way to find all the good deals in eBay's "closing soon" auctions.

How do we do this? Through its developer relationship with eBay, FindCheapAuctions.com utilizes a unique algorithm to identify in real-time, approximately one million of the best eBay auction deals from over 30 millions active eBay auctions. This algorithm is based on the following variables:

FindCheapAuctions.com should only be used as a general tool to search through eBay auctions. Upon selecting an auction on FindCheapAuctions.com, website visitors are forwarded directly to the appropriate eBay auction on eBay.com. Before submitting any bid, potential bidders must read, understand, and agree to the complete auction descriptions and terms on eBay.com.

FindCheapAuctions.com's eBay auctions search algorithm is regularly updated..

Happy Shopping,